I wanted this to be my first post, since I don’t have the typical right wing view on U.S. politics. I want to share my thought process or point of view. Most right wing news, from mainstream to even independent media, is starting to sound the same. Just look back at most of the content that came out during the Biden administration. The right wing mainly mocked the left and Joe Biden, and they still mock the left. I could be wrong, but to me, this feels like it’s by design. It keeps us from being critical of our own side. I also believe it influences many on the right to cope with the shortcomings of our representatives by saying, ‘No one is perfect,’ or that it would be worse if we got ‘insert Democrat’. Both of those statements are true, making it hard to rebut, but that doesn’t mean we should keep blindly voting Republican just because they’re the lesser of two evils. We will never get out of this situation that way.
Republican VS Democrat
If you think American politics is just Republicans vs. Democrats, then you’re missing the picture. You need to look at the money behind the politicians in either party. Next, look at the top donors and their interests. I think everyone knows politicians are professional liars. When they say one thing to their constituents, but their actions go against the interests of top donors, you better believe they’re lying to you, not their donors. The donors don’t donate six or even seven figures and not expect anything in return. This the main reason I hold my vote, all an average citizens has is a vote, while these donors have millions of dollars.
I just wanted to say that this isn’t going to be the typical right-wing view on U.S. politics talking about conservatism and smaller government. Then, in the second section, I explained that American politics are driven by money and the interests of those who control it.