This blog started for myself. I wanted to organize my thoughts and notes. I then figured I could use a blog to organize my thoughts and notes into posts in case I decide to share them. By the name of the site, I think you can tell I plan to write about America, mainly American politics. I will have links to source for all my posts, so you can see why I came to certain conclusions.
The name America Only was inspired from America First. We need to start having polices that are America First and America Only. We can still have relations with other countries without supporting them financially burdening the American workers.
For my beliefs, I wasn’t interested in politics until the lock downs of covid. It wasn’t even the lock downs that got me interested. It was just the extra time, made me curious how certain things work and I got lucky to find a James Corbett documentary called Century of enslavement the history of the federal reserve. When I first started following politics and news I would say I was a Libertarian, and I still think Libertarian is an ideal form of government and society. I then realized that Libertarian-ism only works if society is full of good people, so this would never work long term. There is always going to be a small percentage of people that will learn how to exploit the system to their advantage. I then changed my beliefs into a Republican, but not the typical Conservative Republican that focuses on cutting taxes, smaller government, etc. I believe in having a strong government that actually takes care and represents it’s people.
Since this blog is political and I have a normal full time day job in IT, I plan to stay anonymous at least for a while. I mean this blog is mainly for myself anyways.